AEROSAT International Satellite Aerosol Science Network

AEROSAT Meeting #4

Beijing, China

22-24 September 2016,

Held as part of the joint
AeroCom/AeroSat meeting

- see


Meeting Minutes

Click here for the minutes from the meeting.

Agenda and Presentations

Thursday 22 September 2016

AEROSAT-4 Meeting Goals  (T. Popp and R. Kahn)

AeroCom AeroSat Interactions

Current Status of GOCI Yonsei Aerosol Retrieval and Other Geostationary Satellite Retrievals using MI, Himawaru-8, and GEMS over Asia (M.J. Choi)

Remote Sensing Evaluation of AEROCOM Models (N. Schutgens)

The MAC Aerosol Climatology (S. Kinne)

Aerosol over China / Multiple Satellite Instruments - MarcoPolo (G. de Leeuw)

Outcome of last year's AEROSAT Meeting (R. Kahn, T. Popp)

AEROSAT Posters Introduction

Interactions - Concepts, Applications and Needs

Use of Uncertainties in Models (A. Gettelman)

Use of Aerosol Types in Models (M. Chin)

Evaluations of Seasonal/Spatial Global AOD Variations in GEOS-Chem-APM based on Multiple-Platform Observations (X. Ma)

How to Support Aerosol-Cloud Studies - ACPC (R. Kahn)

Needs for Data Assimilation to Standardise Algorithm Qualification (T.Popp)

Friday 23 September 2016

Uncertainties in Satellite Retrievals

(Mis-) Use of Linear Regression for Validation and Alternative Methods (A. Sayer)

ESA Aerosol_cci Progress on Pixel-Level Uncertainties (T. Popp)

Variation and Trends of MODIS C5 and C6 Product Errors (Q. Zhang)

Air Quality and Aerosol

Introduction (R. Kahn)

The NOAA VIIRS Aerosol Products and Air Quality Applications (L. Remer)

From Climate to Air Quality: Polarimetric Characterisation of Speciated Airborne Particulate Matter (O. Kalashnikova)

Aerosol Typing

Seed Questions (T. Popp, O. Kalashnikova)

Update of Aerosol Type Inventory (L. Mona)

Saturday 24 September 2016

Long Satellite Records 

Introduction (T. Popp, G. Thomas)

Creating Aerosol Optical Depth Climate Records from US-Based Satellite Remote Sensing (R. Levy)

Is Climatological Aerosol Optical Depth Averaged over the Last 16 Years Stable? (H. Lee)

How the Different Retrieval Approaches Affect the Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieved from the (A)ATSR (L. Sogacheva)