AEROSAT Meeting #3
ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy
8-9 October 2015,
Held as part of the joint
AeroCom/AerChemMIP/AeroSat meeting
Agenda and Presentations
Introduction (T. Popp and R. Kahn)
New Examples of Satellite Retrievals
Joint AOT-Single Scattering Albedo Retrieval in Algorithm MAIAC (A. Lyapustin)
IASI Dust Algorithm Intercomparison in ESA Climate Change Initiative (L. Klüser)
Satellite Aerosol Composition Retrieval using Neural Networks (G. Curci)
Satellite-Model Interaction
Introduction (R. Kahn)
Modelling Needs (P. Stier)
Simulators (J. Quaas)
Aerosol Type from Satellite
Introduction (T.Popp)
Aerosol Typing - A Key Information (L. Mona)
Progress Toward a Global Aerosol Type Climatology (R. Kahn)
Combined Use of Satellite Data
Level-2 AOD Median from Multiple Satellite Sensor Retrievals (C. Ichoku)
New Assessment of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions with ORAC (A)ATSR (M. Christensen)
Pixel-Level Uncertainties
Introduction (G. de Leeuw)
Ensemble Techniques to Satellite Remote Sensing Uncertainty Estimation (A. Povey)
Pixel Level Uncertainty in MODIS AOD Dark Target Algorithm (F. Patadia)
Long Term Satellite-based Time Series
Introduction (S. Pinnock)
Aerosol Retrieval for MODIS, VIIRS and Beyond (R. Levy)
MPF/MVIRI Potential for Aerosol Retrieval (Y. Govaerts)
Towards and 11-Year Global Gridded AOT Reanalysis (P. Lynch)
Long Term AOD Retrieval from AVHRR Data over Land Surface (Y. Xue)
Conclusions (T. Popp and R. Kahn)